Max Scherzer Suspended 10 Games

                  New York Mets pitcher Max Scherzer was ejected from his start against the Dodgers on Wednesday for excessive sticky substances.

Katelyn Mulcahy via Getty Images

                Max's hand was found to be excessively sticky after the 2nd inning when umpire Phil Cuzzi checked him. Scherzer explained that his hand was sticky due to a mixture of "sweat and rosin". Rosin is a completely legal substance for pitchers to use to get a better grip on the ball. Max was asked to wash his hands which he did before returning to the field. 

                Upon returning to the field for the 3rd inning Scherzer was asked to rewash his hands and also get a new glove. Max would later explain in a post-game interview that his hand remained sticky due to the alcohol he used to wash it. Upon returning for the 4th inning Scherzer was again told that his hands were too sticky. Max tried to explain to Phil Cuzzi that he had sweat and rosin on his hands. Phil Cuzzi then ejected Scherzer from the game for excessive sticky substances.

                Max will have to serve a mandatory suspension of 10 games for the infraction. It was initially thought that Scherzer would appeal the decision, but instead he has chosen to serve his suspension. Max is eligible to return to play with the Mets on May 1st against the Atlanta Braves.


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